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This issue of the magazine includes the following features:

  • Commencement 1986: Stonehill College welcomed Jaime Cardinal L. Sin at the College's 35th Commencement exercises and bade a fond farewell to 477 graduating seniors.
  • Faith, Hope, and Love: Exceptional Citizen's Week at Camp Fatima-one week each summer spent in a tiny New Hampshire borough provides a unique challenge to Stonehill students and alumni, and leaves them with a renewed sense of faith, hope, and love.
  • The History of the Theatre at Stone hill College: Stonehill has a rich and lively history of theatre activity. Since its official beginnings in the early 1950' s, theatre has grown into a formal academic program with a positive future.
  • An Experience in Living and Learning: Volunteer service ''at home'' is challenging and rewarding, and, in this alumnus' account of his experiences at Red Lake Indian Reservation in Minnesota, personally enlightening.
  • Stonehill Contributes to Commentary on Schema Concerning Catholic Higher Education. The College participates in the national response to the Schema, a working paper on a projected pontifical document on Catholic higher education.
  • The "Miracle at EDSA" -''when the saints went marching in.'' Jaime Cardinal L. Sin focuses on the spiritual power behind the Philippine people during their time of struggle.

Publication Date

Summer 1986


Trustees, Stonehill, Jaime Cardinal Sin, Commencement, Catholic Higher Education, Trustees Theater, Kevin Spicer, Camp Fatima, Red Lake Indian Reservation



Stonehill Alumni Magazine Summer 1986

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