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This issue of the magazine includes the following features:
- Who But Leo Meehan? From early on, Leo J. Meehan ’75 had his sights set on sales, but he didn’t expect what would happen when he took a job with a “tiny” ofce supply company after he graduated. BY TRACEY PALMER
- The Unexpected Path Sometimes it’s the detours that make all the diference. Read fve stories of alumni who veered from a straight line to achieve personal fulfllment. BY MAURA KING SCULLY
- Design is Everywhere From cereal boxes to billboards to an app on your phone, design is all around. Our revamped graphic design program prepares designers for today’s highly visual
Publication Date
Winter 2018
Advertising and Promotion Management | Business | Education | Sales and Merchandising
Recommended Citation
Stonehill College Office of Communications and Media Relations, "Stonehill Alumni Magazine Winter/Spring 2018" (2018). Stonehill Alumni Magazine. 3.

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Advertising and Promotion Management Commons, Education Commons, Sales and Merchandising Commons