Fulfilling a Dream: Stonehill College 1948-1998

Fulfilling a Dream: Stonehill College 1948-1998


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Stonehill College, from hesitant beginnings in the years shortly after World War II, has more than realized its founders' hopes. In a mere fifty years, it has become a securely established, highly selective, and nationally esteemed liberal arts college. The story of Stonehill's development and the path taken to its present academic quality and impres­sive physical plant is one of faith, devoted effort, and sacrifices by many faculty, staff, and alumni and of a community of ever­constant supporters.

Under the leadership of Bartley MacPhaidfn, CSC, president for two decades, Stonehill has seen exceptional growth without losing its caring community atmosphere. The College's present prestigious standing and promising future involve, most particularly, an accounting of the close-indeed, essen­tial-relationship between the Congregation of Holy Cross and the institution. That bond, tested numerous times and adapted to meet the changed educational environment, continues to be a source of singular pride and significant strength to the College.

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Fulfilling a Dream: Stonehill College 1948-1998
